
The key element of democracy is discussion.

Since all citizens

have the same thing in mind,

namely the good of the state,

they can't fail to agree.

They may have different perceptions

of what is the best way to
achieve this common goal,

but when they sit down to debate,

they will listen to each other's

arguments and

together will find the way that
has the most chance of success.

Do you have

the impression that what is happening
today in the House is discussion?

Does anyone listen to what
the other one is saying? 

Is he trying

to understand the seriousness of the other’s
arguments, and is he willing to change his mind,

if these arguments convince him?

How many times have you
heard a prime minister say:

          "The opposition is right!

          We withdraw our proposal.

          I suggest we follow the proposal of the opposition".

Like actors in the theatre,

each speaker comes prepared
to take part in the show,

a farce called

"Debate in the House."

He gives a short speech,

either learned by heart
or read from notes.

The purpose

of the subsequent discussion is by no means
to find the best way to solve the problem,

but seems more like bickering.

Instead of arguments they exchange
personal taunts and insults.


uses the sharpest attacks
against the other side,

he makes the greatest impression.

Does it surprise you that

citizens are turning more and more
away from the traditional parties,

that they detest politics and

are moving towards political formations
with a poorly hidden or even openly
fascistic and dictatorial nature?

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