The percentage
of freedom
It would be very
interesting if we
knew this
percentage of freedom.
If we knew it we
would be able
to calculate how
far the accuracy
of the Natural Law reaches, and
until what point we can hope to
improve our prediction.
This percentage of freedom however is not
always the same;
it varies from phenomenon to phenomenon.
As an example we
could consider
the motion of a
large mass in a high
vacuum where we have no friction,
that is to say collisions, to allow
more freedom.
In the movement
of a planet around
the Sun, the
collision with a particle
moving uncontrolled in space will
not have a big impact.
There we can count on
high accuracy for our prognosis.
For example in
an electric discharge
in the form of
lightning, where the
initial motion of a single ion induces
a whole "electric cataract",
or in a chemical explosion,
in which an
initial free radical leads
to the conversion of a mass many
times greater,
we should not expect repeatable behaviour
nor should we hope for the possibility to make
an accurate prognosis.