Freedom of
And what about
the decision of
our painter what the
of the boat should be?
Here the degree of freedom is very big.
We are dealing with a phenomenon
of very large amplification.
The origin and
the evolution of life
is a phenomenon
where the freedom hidden
in any collision grows to gigantic proportions,
thanks to the storage and the very large
multiplication enabled by the DNA.
Free changes
pass "crystallized"
as mutations in
the genetic code
and then they are multiplied as
many times as the DNA divides
in the body itself and its descendants.
That is several orders of magnitude.
We have a second
level of amplification
in the
development of the
system "painter" itself.
An amount of
matter which is many powers
of ten greater
was "built", organized,
on the instructions of a single original
DNA molecule.
A free decision
on the level of a cell,
for example if
the egg should be fertilized
by this or that spermatozoon, decided the
future of the painter.
We do not yet
know how it works,
but it is very
likely, that when we find
out, we will discover mechanisms
with a great degree of amplification.
We already know
that for the transfer
of a message from
one nerve cell
to another only a few molecules of
a neurotransmitter are needed to
spill out into the synapse, the narrow
space between the neurons.
Free molecular
actions amplified constantly
reach the
critical part of the brain where
they are filtered and while most of them,
without realizing it, are rejected, some
are selected and can be used as a working
hypothesis to solve a problem.
This process of
rational filtering
must be an
important part of
the whole function of our brain.
It could not be
Could you imagine
what chaos
would prevail if our 1012 neurons
would begin to send their signals
uncontrolled, right and left in the
However it
wouldn’t be correct
to pursue our
thoughts further along
these lines, making hypotheses, since
we don’t yet have reliable scientific
available in this area.
By the way we don’t need it, because we
have already arrived at our destination.
We have reached our goal.