How easy is it for a direct
democracy to be realised?

       But if such a system has so many
benefits and could easily be realised,

          why hasn't it been implemented yet
in some country or at least proposed?


because all countries are ruled by parties and
politicians and such a system of direct democracy

(the people making the decisions and some
experts performing the task of government)

will make both parties and professional
politicians completely


They were used to guiding the
people and governing in his name.

How could they accept that they had
suddenly become completely useless?

They know that

they possess the real power and
have no inclination to hand it over.

They think

that human society could not function
without this special caste to which only
they have the privilege of belonging, and
which was designated by God to guide
and to rule the masses of incompetent

and stupid people.

Each herd needs his shepherd.

We cannot hope

that a government or a party
will appear before the people

and proclaim:

"Here, we have prepared a system that has
only advantages, but which makes us, the
politicians, obsolete. We will now step down.
Good luck for the future".

The opposite will happen.

     Every government,

     every party,

     every politician

     will fight and


     with all the means

at his disposal against such a system,
against even the slightest thought of it.

This will be a struggle for existence.

If we aim

to introduce direct democracy, we must
realise that we will be facing very strong


It is not just politicians and parties.

It is the entire state apparatus,

because that is in the hands
of the politicians and parties.

And it is not only that.

Huge economic interests,

dependent on the state,
are interwoven throughout it.

The government

decides how much of the budget

(i.e. of the people’s money)

is used for what purpose

(i.e. in whose pocket it will end up).

These large financial interests

are dependent on the government,

but the government itself

(i.e. the parties and the politicians
who form the government)

depends on the same
great financial interests.

In fact the two of them, parties
and big business, share power.

Our proposal

for direct democracy

basically abolishes



     parliaments and

     all that is connected

to the current representation of the people.


it also abolishes the relationship that has
been established between the large
financial interests and the state.

We will have therefore

     not only politicians,

     parties and

     the state

against us.

We will have also the major economic interests.

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