
In the present text so far,

we have systematically avoided the use of terms such as
"random", "luck", "fortune", "chance", "accident".

The reason is that we usually only

express our ignorance when we use these words.

Πλαίσιο κειμένου: "When I was on my way home last night, by chance there was a lunar eclipse."

The eclipse would have happened anyway.

Astronomers have known about it for a long time.

I just haven’t heard about it.

Anyway, the shadow of the earth would have
moved like this, whether there were people on
the earth or not, either the knowledgeable
astronomers or my ignorant self.

The trap of anthropocentrism lurks

in every step of our thinking.

At the same time of course, we could use

the term random (without quotes this time) for
phenomena that occur without reason, whose
appearance is not subject to the law of causality.

Such phenomena whose existence we

denied with our decision in Chapter 5.

We could agree here whether we call these

phenomena random (without quotes), or lawless
because they obey no law, or free because they
are not bound by obligation to causality.

Let us use the term free

which refers to our freedom of thought.

Πλαίσιο κειμένου: Well, what is the kinetic state of the electron? 
Is it "random" (because we cannot know it) or is
it free (because it is not subject to Natural Law)?


Neither the one nor the other.

Here something has happened

that we meet for the first time and therefore
our embarrassment is understandable.

We have found that the very nature

of the electron contains a certain
ambiguity about its kinetic state.

This means that the Natural Law itself

(since it describes the nature, the deeper
essence of the electron) is unclear!

It allows some freedom

for the motion of the electron.

And this applies

not only to the electrons.

The same thing applies even to heavier

particles,to atoms and molecules.

It turned out that Quantum Mechanics
applies to the entire Cosmos.

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